Special School For The Deaf

Special School For The Deaf

The school for the deaf is started in the year 1986 with 5 children, nine years after establishing the school for the children with mental retardation. The school has classes from primary to 10th class both in Telugu and English medium. So far 1197 students with hearing impairment benefitted out of our services at SSD. The school is equipped with group hearing aid system, movable group hearing aid systems, FM hearing aid systems and loop induction systems. The activities and achievements of 2016-17 are briefly narrated.

All the students of 2016-17 who studied in class 10 passed with high marks. Important events of SSD in the year 2016-17

 Once in 2 weeks, staff and parents meetings were conducted for discussing the completion of syllabus, conduct of examination, valuation of papers and taking extra care for Students with learning difficulties.
 On Independence Day, games and cultural programmes were conducted and prizes were distributed to the winners.
 We have participated in Hearing Aids Distribution programme at ‘TAJ BANJARA HOTEL’ Banjara Hills on 17.08.2016. This programme was conducted by “STAR KEY FOUNDATION”. They have distributed Hearing Aids to our students.
 “International day for the deaf” was conducted by DEAF ENABLED Organization on 27.09.2016 at Indhira Priyadarshini Auditorium Nampally, Hyderabad. Our students participated in Quiz and Drawing Competition and received prizes.
 Parents of pre-primary students have participated in the training programme conducted by AYJNIHH, Secunderabad.
 The staff and students of School & College went for educational tour to Wonderla on 23-12-2016.
 Medical Camp was conducted at B.H.E.L


The photograph shows the presentation of school topper award to Ms. D. Saritha which was presented on 15th August 2016