


The Physio Therapy unit was established in the year 1986 while the Sensory Integration Therapy Unit and the Sensory Park were established in the year 1997.

The Physio therapy department is well equipped at the institute to handle cases having developmental and neurological conditions (eg., hand functions, stroke, hemiplegic, muscular dystrophy). The aim of management at the center is to help the clients as independent in their activities of daily living as possible.

Physio Therapy Assessment

Physio therapy department do assessments & observations for various conditions like Sensory profile questionnaires, Hand function skills assessment, Perceptual and Cognitive Assessment, Motor Developmental Delay Assessment & ADL (Activities of Daily Living) Assessment.

Physio Therapy

Physio therapy department is equipped with trained professionals to assess and provide individualized treatment plan for Children & Adults having physically or mentally impaired due to various medical conditions such as Sensory processing disorder, Sensory Registration, Sensory Input, the other trials of psychiatry cases are also adhered from the department. More number of Autistic, ADHD, Down’s syndrome, Hemiplegic Cerebral palsy visit to the OT department. A large number of adult patients suffering from stroke and hand function deficits are coming to OT department for management.

The various treatment modalities and interventions include Development Skills Training (For children with developmental delay and genetic disorders), Hand functions Skills Training, Perceptual and Cognitive Skills Training, Sensory Integration Therapy, ADL Training (Provide therapeutic aids, orthosis & prosthesis environmental modifications according to patient’s needs.

Patient Care Services

All activities, modalities will go for the occupational therapy department, so an efflux of 60 new assessments or more as a part of screening has taken place in a span of one month and an average of 12 to 16 children per day receive therapy services in our unit. The Sensory park adjacent to the unit is used for sensory integration therapy and free play activities.


OT Department is executing projects with The HANS Foundation, New Delhi for providing occupational therapy services to clients coming to Sweekaar Academy of Rehabilitation Sciences. Data generated from this project will help in implementing time-based management plans and to set short-and long-term goals for clients with different conditions.

World PT Day

World PT day was celebrated at the department on 27th October 2016. As apart of the program, one-day workshop was arranged at the institute on the topic of ‘Role and scope of occupational therapy in the management of persons with different disorders and disabilities’. An exhibition was also arranged in which the materials prepared by patients attending the OT department and the staff were displayed. Dr Sunil Mokashi graced the occasion.

Interactive session was given by OT’s to the participant parents and care takers.

Activities were doing by the kids with the help of their parents.



Ministry of Defence, Govt. of India leased 1 acre land to Sweekaar in the heart of Secunderabad over which present structures are developed.

  1. Donors to Sweekaar are exempted from Income Tax under Section 80G.
  2. Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment supporting 3 projects Hyderabad Special School for Mentally Challenged, Special School & Junior college for Deaf & Training Institute for teachers of Deaf.
  3. Sweekaar enjoys customs duty exemption for all imports
  4. Govt. of India by recognizing the services of Sweekaar granted permission to receive contributions from Abroad under FCRA.
  5. Sweekaar is recognized as a SIRO (Scientific & Industrial Research Organisation) by Ministry of Science & Technology, Govt. of India.
  6. Sweekaar was assessed and accredited as an Institution of Excellence by the Rehabilitation Council of India in the country in the Rehabilitation field and graded as “A” Grade Institute in the Country for Outstanding Performance by High Power Committee of Rehabilitation Council of India (GOI) – 2009.
  7. Sweekaar is certified an ISO 9001 – 2008 Institution.
  8. The yeoman services rendered by the Founder & Chairman of Sweekaar in his individual capacity are included in the book of “Institution Builders in the Rehabilitation Sector in the Country”, published by Rehabilitation Council of India.
  9. Sweekaar has the proud privilege of rendering services to the disabled coming from not only all parts of the country from many countries outside India like USA, Gulf countries etc.
  10. Sweekaar has hosted National and International professional conferences for pediatricians and rehabilitation professionals.
  • 24th Indian Association of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (IAPMR) Annual National Conference 04 th to 07 th January 1996
  • 36th Indian Association of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (IAPMR) Annual National Conference 18ti to 20 th January 2008
  • 2nd National Conference Childhood Disability Group (CDG), Indian Academy of Pediatrics 28 th & 29 th May 2005
  • 35th National Annual Conference of Indian Association of Clinical Psychologists (IACP) 16 th to 18 th January 2009.
  1. A.P. State Council for Higher Education, Rehabilitation Council of India, Osmania University recognized a number of training courses conducted by Sweekaar.
  2. Sweekaar is recognized by five Universities (O.U., Y.V.U., A.N.U., A.O.U., I.G.N.O.U) and colleges all over the country and selected for placement of their students for field work.
  3. GOI and Govt. of A. P. have sanctioned State Information Centre for Disabled which is the apex centre for the state of Andhra Pradesh to give any information about disabled and the services.
  4. Mentally Challenged and Hearing Impaired Children received 32 National and International Awards.
  5. Founder – Chairman of Sweekaar, Dr. P. Hanumantha Rao received 56 National & International Awards.
  6. National & International organizations participated & strengthened our efforts. National Institutions, banks, Industrialists, individuals and International Organizations like Latter – Day Saint Charities, Heart & Hand for the Handicapped, Share & Care Foundation, ATA, etc.
  7. Assets made to the extent of Rs.50 crores belong to Sweekaar and no individual haveany right on these assets. The organization is run by an elected Governing Body.
  8. Memorandum of Articles of Association – Sweekaar – Clause: Article –XIV: DISSOLUTION is appended below:
  • Dissolution of Society: This Society may be dissolved if two thirds Members present at a meeting convened for the purpose vote for such dissolution and the time when the Society is to be dissolved and the method to be followed for the disposal and settlement of the Society’s property and debts shall also be determined. Confirmation of the dissolution shall be by two thirds of the members.
  • Appropriation of Property: If upon the dissolution of the Society as a foresaid there shall remain after satisfaction of all its debts any property, the same shall not be paid to all or any of the members of the Society but shall be given to some other Society / Trust / Institution having similar or identical objects as to that of the Society and which was registered under Sec. 12A of the Income Tax Act 1961 and shall not be repugnant to the provisions of the Section 80G of the Income Tax Act and so determined by a majority of votes of the members present at a meeting to resolve the dissolution.
  1. Sweekaar is proud to have the association as partners, but for their support Sweekaar could have not achieved the present stature. Sweekaar is grateful to the donors, well wishers, clients, parents, staff, students, patrons and Governing Body Members.